RIBES hirtellum 'Pixwell' (Pixwell Gooseberry) (#RIBPIX1)

RIBES hirtellum 'Pixwell' (Pixwell Gooseberry)

This plant is displayed for reference purposes only; we no longer grow or sell it.

Shrub: Deciduous. Commonly sold & very productive cultivar developed in N. Dakota in 1932. Low-growing, almost thornless bushes are very hardy & bear medium-sized fruit, starts out green, turning purple upon ripening. Delicious fresh or for pies & jellies. Bears the second year, yields 4-6 qts. a year at maturity. Easy to pick; withstands drought. Self-pollinating. Exp: sun/pt shade. Water: mod. Ht: 3-5'. W: 3-4'. USDA Z3.

Available sizes

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